We’re on our last couple of days away. Jules and Emily were here since Wednesday, which was when Daniel went back to school. I joined them Friday night. Ribby Hall has an activity area, which has crazy golf, “shufflescore” (aka Shuffleboard) and football pool. We always try and get in a few games of Shuffleboard,… Continue reading 2024-01-06
Tag: Game
2021-01-08 – Home
I discovered this game in the cupboard, none of us know where it came from, but it was a great little game!
2021-01-07 – Home

This was one of my Christmas presents this year. The track fits together neatly, using the holes in the bottom board as a standard distance “tool”, and there are various components that let the track do different things, like there are direction changers (with the green “arrow” shapes) or the white bridge-shaped piece near the… Continue reading 2021-01-07 – Home
2021-01-06 – Home
As a family, we are big into our games. We have a wardrobe full, and two cupboards full too… Around 370 in total. Today I played three games with the kids – this, Carcassonne and MCU Top Trumps Trivia Quiz.